Our Pay Now and Pay Later solutions have many benefits. Depending on your choice, different features and obligations will apply.
If you choose to Pay Now Payment is due prior to your advertising commencing. Payment can be made through our secure payment gateways, including BPAY, VISA, MasterCard, Amex, Apple Pay, UnionPay or Google Pay. For Apple Pay and Google Pay, standard charges of 1.1% apply. For Credit Card payments, standard charges of 1.1% apply for Visa/MasterCard, and 2.0% for Amex and UnionPay. Standard charges of 0.5% apply for Debit Cards. For International Credit Card payments, standard charges of 3.3% apply for Visa/MasterCard, and standard charges of 3.3% apply for Debit Cards.
If you choose to Pay Later You are entering into a contract with CampaignAgent or the payment of your marketing. We will provide funds to your agent on your behalf. Then, you pay us on the earlier of settlement, early deposit release, withdrawal, expiration of your agent’s sales authority, or the Pay Later Date (6 months from loan commencement). If your property has not settled by the Pay Later Date, you must still pay CampaignAgent by this date. Pay Later campaigns incur a flat 6.9% fee, with no penalty interest and no late payment fees. In the event that the full amount of the funding and fees is not paid in full, CampaignAgent reserves the right to place a caveat on the property. Advertising funds can be spent on marketing, styling and cosmetic improvements, up to $25,000 or 2% of the estimated sale price.
What are the eligibility requirements for Pay Later?
The Pay Later option is only available for Australian residents.The property must have a certificate of occupancy if it is a new build, off-the-plan sales are not eligible for Pay Later funding.
Do I have to sign off on any Terms and Conditions if I want to Pay Now?
No! By selecting Pay Now you are simply using CampaignAgent to securely process the payment of your marketing campaign.
How is the funding provided?
CampaignAgent will provide the funding for your marketing campaign directly to your real estate agent.
For Pay Later, when do I have to pay?
Payment is due on the earlier of settlement, early deposit release, withdrawal, expiration of your agent’s sales authority, or the Pay Later Date (6 months from loan commencement).
Who actually organises my marketing campaign?
Your marketing campaign will be arranged by your real estate agent, with payment provided via CampaignAgent.
What if I choose to withdraw my property from sale?
For Pay Later, the full amount borrowed (plus fees) must be immediately repaid by you to CampaignAgent.
What if my settlement date extends beyond the Pay Later Date?
You must still pay by the Pay Later Date.
Can I add more marketing after the campaign commences?
Yes! It’s easy to add more marketing. Your agent can submit a digital request for the additional spend, and you can choose to Pay Now or Pay Later.
Do I get a refund if I cancel any or all of my marketing?
Yes, any unspent marketing will be refunded to you directly by your real estate agent – however, CampaignAgent’s fees are based upon the original Pay Later amount funded.
What are the fees for Pay Later?
Pay Later campaigns incur a flat 6.9% fee, with no penalty interest and no late payment fees.